Thursday, May 5, 2011

Last year's garden.

We made the hoops by bending EMT around a form we made from two sheets of plywood.  The trellises are made from EMT connected with plumbing fittings and hog fencing cut to size and attached with zip ties.  Love me some EMT and zip ties!

Sunflower obsessed! (Grew and photographed this one last summer.)

Growing microgreens indoors!

For proof of concept, we started off in small batches, grown in a south-facing window.  It was a huge success!

Now that we know it works, we have set up metro shelving with grow lights in the front bedroom so we can grow microgreens in larger quantities, where they won't be disturbed by the pets, and they won't have to be part of the front room decor.

The fruits (or microgreens) of our labor...topped with grated carrots.  Delish!

I ♥ the number eleven.

I want one!

Spotted this on Etsy at the shop of Houndstooth Design & Mercantile and I had to share.  Love, love this!  Very clever.

Malcolm Gladwell: What we can learn from spaghetti sauce

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Here goes nothing!

Seems fitting that my first post be a picture of my very first future-strawberry of the season.  (This flower is only about the size of a pencil eraser.)